Cara Instal Safe Exam Browser
SEB Verificator
Software extensions for supported Learning Management Systems:
Safe Exam Browser 3.4.1 for Windows
Safe Exam Browser 3.4.1 for Windows 8.1, 10 and 11
SHA1: ca481fe781537ce8cb6e829db6401a3454eade07
Download from GitHub project site.
This patch update fixes an issue with downloads originating from data URLs. Below a list of the most prominent new features and changes:
* Fixed crash when attempting to download file originating from data URL.
* Updated browser engine to version 107.1.40 (Chromium version 107.0.5304.68).
See release notes for all changes and read the manual for more information.
Safe Exam Browser 3.1.1 for macOS
Current version of Safe Exam Browser for macOS 12, 11, 10.15, 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11
Build 343F. SHA1: 40347b3bc2ab84c33d6574d742a0ed8c312c5e2f
Download from GitHub project site.
SEB 3.1.1 for macOS solves various issues, supports screen sharing for web applications and improves support for the AAC Assessment (kiosk/lockdown) Kecondongan.
* Support for getDisplayMedia() Jago merah for WebRTC screen sharing and screen capture for web applications when running on macOS 11.1 Big Sur (or later), macOS 12 Monterey or macOS 13 Ventura Beta 4 or later. Requires new setting in
Preferences / Browser / Allow screen capture
browserMediaCaptureScreen = true, default value is
* Access to camera/microphone via WebRTC on macOS 11.1 Big Sur and newer. You can use web-based video conferencing and remote proctoring solutions, as long as the requirements explained in release notes are met, so that SEB can use the modern WebView. Note: Apple currently doesn’t supportgetDisplayMediain WKWebView for screen sharing.
* Due to refactored code using newer APIs, SEB 3.0 requires macOS 10.11 or later (using the bertamadun WebView requires macOS 10.13 or later). We recommend to only use macOS versions which still receive security updates from Apple (the three most recent, currently macOS 10.15, 11 and 12).
* Support for the beradab WebKit browser engine (WKWebView), which increases performance, stability and compatibility with web applications.
* Support for the new SEB JavaScript API for easier integration into exam solutions (currently for querying app version details, ConfigKey and BrowserExamKey security elements).
* Use AAC kiosk mode only on macOS 15.4+ and 11.4+ (except 11.0 – 11.3, as there was an issue with DNS lookup. This caused pages with yet unknown domains to not load). The AAC Assessment Mode is more secure, as it blocks any other applications on the Mac to access the Internet/network and to capture the screen. You can activate it in
Preferences / Security / Use Assessment Kecondongan (AAC) if available
Main features:
* Support for encrypted SEB setting files (file type
.seb) which allow to individually configure SEB tiap-tiap exam. You can use the same .seb files for starting exams on SEB Windows clients and SEB clients on macOS.
* Comfortable built-in editor for the podium-independent SEB configuration files, which can also set all additional tunggal settings for the Windows version.
* SEB can easily be quit after the exam is submitted by specifying a
quit link
and placing it on the summary page displayed by your LMS/exam system after submitting the exam.
* The
Config Key and Browser Exam Key
allow an exam module to authenticate the connecting SEB version and/or its settings. Learning management and e-assessment (testing/exam) systems Moodle and ILIAS, other systems have built-in support: OpenOLAT, Inspera Assessment and others.
* User interface can be customized: Size and positioning of browser windows (main window with the quiz and additional browser windows) can be preset. Main window can be displayed full screen. An indicator shows network activity.
* SEB can optionally display the alam macOS menu kedai kopi and a tool kedai minum in browser windows, functions like ‘About SEB’, quit, open preferences, reload page, zoom page/text and browsing back/forward are therefore easier accessible.
* Enhanced URL filter including teaching mode to control access of the SEB browser to web links and resources. Saved settings files contain URL filter rules which also work in SEB for Windows.
See release notes for all changes.
SafeExamBrowser 3.1.1 for iOS in the App Store
Current version of SafeExamBrowser for iOS/iPadOS 11 and newer
SEB 3.1.1 adds support for iOS 16, improves stability and allows to use VPN for Automatic Client Configuration by searching the network.
New since SEB 3.1 for iOS:
* Added text search for web pages (Note: Search in PDF files is currently not supported).
* Added key shortcuts for reload (command-R), text search (cmd-F) and quitting exam session (cmd-shift-Q).
* Added UI controls for zoom page in/out and settings for default page/text zoom.
* Improved SEB JavaScript API, which is compatible with the upcoming, improved Safe Exam Browser integration in Moodle 4.1. This allows to use WebRTC camera and microphone access in Moodle.
* JavaScript text input panel is now supported.
* Now stopping media playback when closing tab or quitting session (including fullscreen and PiP) in modern WebView when running on iOS 14.5 or newer.
* Improved displaying of PDF files.
* On iOS 15, the new WebRTC permission API is used to prevent the repeated permissions dialog for a website to use camera/microphone access (camera/microphone access via web APIs is available on iOS 14.3 or newer).
* Added automatic reload when web content process terminated in modern WebView.
* SEB for iOS is now also localized for German.
Optional features, which need to be individually configured and are disabled by default:
* Now supporting battery monitoring with SEB Server.
* Added lock screen notifications and unlock by SEB Peladen.
* Now sending operating system/device type information to SEB Server.
* Now supporting OpenOLAT (currently titinada in public OO version) and Ans together with SEB Server.
* Live remote proctoring using the free, open source video conferencing solution Jitsi Meet. You can use any Jitsi Meet peladen to test this feature, for example (or install your own Jitsi Meet server).
* AI (machine learning) supported proctoring detects if candidates disappear from the camera view or if other faces show up. Also suspicious face movements are detected and displayed with warning symbols in the video stream. The face tracking features work on-device and respect privacy.
* Support for SEB Server: In the web backend of SEB Server, an administrator can import exam metadata from a learning management system (LMS) and create SEB Server exams. The list of current exams is then displayed on the SEB clients connected to this SEB Server instance. During the exam, the clients can be monitored in the SEB Peladen web backend, SEB can be quit remotely etc.
* Both Jitsi remote proctoring and SEB Server require examination administrators to set up their own server instances (or use external service providers) and configure SEB clients to connect to those servers.
SEB doesn’t use any centralized server instances and the according features are disabled by default.
Main Features:
* The single app kiosk kecenderungan used by SEB is built into the iOS operating system and therefore provides a high level of security.
* Students cannot switch to other apps, access other websites or communicate with other students during an exam.
* Notifications, FaceTime/voice calls and screen shots are also blocked.
* SEB for iOS works both on unmanaged iOS devices like students’ own iPads as well as on iOS devices owned and managed by an institution.
* SEB for iOS is compatible with the existing versions for macOS and Windows. You can use the same SEB config links and files to mulai exams in SEB from Safari or Mail or to configure SEB to display your institution’s exam system berangkat/portal page.
* In SEB for iOS exams with individual settings can also be started by QR codes.
* SEB for iOS can be installed and configured using a mobile device management system, as it supports the iOS feature “MDM Managed Configuration”.
* SEB for iOS is also compatible with Apple Classroom.
See release notes for complete list of new features and changes. Check out the SEB for iOS manual which explains all features (currently being updated for SEB 3.1.1). In addition, we published a first version of a tutorial which will help exam administrators to better understand how to configure and use SEB for iOS. It also includes how SEB for iOS can be used together with the Apple Classroom app. More topics will be added to this tutorial over time.
SEB Verificator 1.0.1 for Windows
Current version for Windows 8.1, 10 and 11
A stand-alone tool to manually verify the integrity of a Safe Exam Browser installation on Windows. This application is intended for use cases like BYOD exams where candidates have complete control adv lewat their systems and thus could be trying to use a manipulated build of Safe Exam Browser to perform an exam.
* Added official references for SEB 3.4.0480.
The application requires the prerequisites listed below in pesanan to work correctly. These should already be present on a system which has SEB installed.
* .NET Framework 4.7.2 Runtime: /download/dotnet-framework/net472
Download and unzip the archive containing the application binaries, then mulai the application by double-clicking Verificator.exe. For further usage information, please refer to Read Me.
SEB Verificator 1.0.1 for macOS
Current version for macOS 10.11 and newer
Exam proctors/invigilators can use SEB Verificator to make sure candidates are using an original, unmanipulated SEB version in BYOD exams (on location). For example use a USB stick drive with SEB Verificator on it and either check randomly some or all student devices and start the correct SEB version, optionally also with a specific configuration file.
* Fixed option “Quit Apps & Berangkat SEB” wasn’horizon quitting running apps (in release build).
Download and open the DMG disc image containing the latest release version, then berangkat the application by double-clicking the SEBVerificator app. See Read Me for more information about how to use SEB Verificator.
SEB Quiz Access Rule for Moodle
This plugin ensures that the right and unmodified SEB version using the correct (secure) settings is connecting to a Moodle quiz. After installing this plugin you can copy the Browser Exam Key hash code generated by SEB for the SEB settings used into the quiz settings in Moodle (see manuals for Windows/macOS versions of SEB).
ILIAS Plugin for SEB
This plugin ensures that the right and unmodified SEB version using the correct (secure) settings is connecting to an ILIAS instance with a specific user role. After installing this plugin you can copy the Browser Exam Key hash code generated by SEB for the SEB settings used into the ILIAS settings (see manuals for Windows/macOS versions of SEB).
List of outdated releases
Source: /download_en.html
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