Child Support For Two Kids

How Much Child Support Should I Be Paying for Two Kids?

Having a child is much like a full-time job. It takes up most of your time and plenty of your resources. You’ll need every help you can get. If you live in California and don’t know much about child support, then you are in the right place!

In this article, we’ll talk about how to calculate child support and other pertinent information about this topic. If you have any more questions, our experienced Laguna Hills family law attorneys are at your service! Contact us now for more information.

Paying for Multiple Children
You’ll need separate payments for each child. The judge uses the first calculation for each payment you make. Younger children receive more in payment than older kids.

If you want to be sure how much child support is needed, get in touch with our skilled Laguna Hills child support attorney to help you!

Calculating California Child Support
California Child Support Guidelines Formula
According to California’s Guidelines, the child support formula looks like this:

CS = K [ HN – (H%)(TN)]


* CS = Total child support amount;
* K = Both parents’ combined total income
* HN = monthly disposable income of the higher-earning parent
* H = amount of time the high-earning parent spends with the child compared to the other parent
* TN = Both parents’ net monthly disposable income

Paying child support is rarely easy. To know how much you need to pay child support, ask our knowledgeable Orange County child support lawyer.

Factors That Affect Child Support
Given the fact that the state already created criteria for determining child support, a variety of circumstances might influence the sum of child support.

The first element to consider is each parent’s corresponding wage (both the custodial parent and noncustodial parent). You will need to submit an Earnings and Expenditure Affidavit, which will set the overall estimations. A family law attorney from our law firm can help you fill out the necessary forms.

A person’s gross income counts as the sum of the following items:

* Incomes, earnings, and incentive pay;
* Leases and rents;
* Royalty fees and commissions;
* Interests and dividends;
* Earnings from retirement pension, annuities, and trusts;
* Social Security, disability, unemployment, and workers’ monetary incentives;
* Spousal support is given by someone who isn’t involved in the child support case.

Calculating child support can be complicated. Varying types of income are treated differently.

Overtime and other non-wage income are still considered under child support. The guideline support does require a history of overtime to predict the spouse’s future income. If a parent regularly receives overtime pay, then that increases the child support amount.

Take note that if one parent is unemployed, it does not automatically exempt them from paying child support. If the court finds that an unemployed parent can earn, then they can assign them an income amount, even if they’re not earning anything. However, when calculating a child support obligation, the court excludes CalWORKs, general support, or supplementary welfare.

Disposable income is the gross income with some deductions subtracted. Most living expenses, like clothing, food, or rent, do not factor into child support. The deductions that reduce child support include:

* Career-related spending;
* State and federal taxes;
* Tax filing status;
* The number of dependents of each party;
* Mandatory retirement benefits;
* Obligatory medical insurance deductions, and union dues;
* Spousal support or child support being paid (maybe from a court order).

The amount of time each parent spends with the child affects how much child support payments are. Naturally, visitation rights and child custody (physical custody and legal custody) come into play here.

The idea is that a parent with full custody already spends more on the child. If both parents earn the same amount, then the parent spending less time with the child will have to pay child support.

The wider the discrepancy between parenting times increases the amount needed according to child support laws.

What Does Child Support Cover?
Food, clothing, insurance, and other basic living expenses are all covered by all child support orders. Take note that child support assumes that both parties share responsibility for the child. Thus, the person owing child support will not be responsible for all of these payments, only a portion of them.

Health care expenses, school-related expenses, and child care charges are types of expenses that aren’t essential but may be imposed by a judge. Even if a judge does not order it, spouses can choose to incorporate extra fees in the amount of child support.

If you need help with getting a child support order, contact our experienced Laguna Hills child support attorneys.

When Does Child Support End?
Typically, a child receives child support until they reach the age of majority, which is 18. It can extend if the kid is still in high school by the time they turn 18, In this case, child support continues until graduation or until they turn 19.

Another notable exception is for adult children with disabilities. If an adult cannot support themselves due to a physical or mental disability, then a parent will still pay for child support.

Other common instances when child support ends are when the child:

* Becomes emancipated;
* Enlists in the military;
* Gets married;
* Enters domestic partnership; or
* Passes away.

Parents can also voluntarily agree to extend the duration of child support.

If you need help with child support enforcement, call our Laguna Hills family law office to schedule a consultation with our child support lawyers.

Final Thoughts
A child needs to be raised with care so they can become proper members of society. Child support can enable one parent to care for their children and support their school fees, medical expenses, and basic living expenditures.

Our child support attorneys at Trevino Law are committed to aiding families who need child support. If you need help enforcing child support obligations or modifying child support, feel free to contact our esteemed Laguna Hills child support lawyers today!