Describe The Characteristics Of An Agile MIS Infrastructure


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* Chapter 1: Management Information Systems: Business Driven MIS
* Chapter 2: Decisions and Processes
* Chapter 3: E-Business – Electronic Business value
* Chapter 5: Infrastructures – Sustainable Technologies
* Chapter 6: Data – Business Intelligence
* Chapter 7:
* Chapter 8: Enterprise Applications – Business Communications
* Chapter 9: Systems Development and Project Management

Learning Outcome 1. 1: Describe the information age and the differences between data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge.

Learning Outcome 1. 2: Identify the different departments in a company and why they must work together to achieve success.

Learning Outcome 1. 3: Explain systems thinking and how management information systems enable business communications.

Learning Outcome 1. 4: Explain why competitive advantages are temporary.

Learning Outcome 1. 5: Describe Porter’s Five Forces Model and explain each of the five forces.

Learning Outcome 1. 6: Compare Porter’s three generic strategies.

Learning Outcome 1. 7: Demonstrate how a company can add value by using Porter’s value chain analysis.

* Describe all five forces model areas
* Explain what they mean for a business.
* Leverage Porter’s Five Forces Model analysis for business processes into a strategic business plan.

Chapter 2: Decisions and Processes
Learning Outcome 2. 1: Explain the importance of decision making for managers at each of the three primary organization levels along with the associated decision characteristics.

Learning Outcome 2.2 : Define critical success factors (CSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs), and explain how managers use them to measure the success of MIS projects.

Learning Outcome 2. 3: Classify the different operational support systems, managerial support systems, and strategic support systems, and explain how managers can use these systems to make decisions and gain competitive advantages.

Learning Outcome 2. 4: Describe artificial intelligence and identify its five main types.

Learning Outcome 2. 5: Explain the value of business processes for a company, and differentiate between customer-facing and business-facing process.

Learning Outcome 2.6 : Demonstrate the value of business process modeling, and compare As-Is and To-Be models.

Learning Outcome 2. 7: Differentiate between business process improvements, streamlining, and reengineering.

Learning Outcome 2. 8: Describe business process management and its value to an organization.

* Review the different business functional areas.
* Identify areas where the use of information systems support business process improvement efforts.

Chapter 3: E-Business – Electronic Business value
Learning Outcome 3. 1: Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies, and explain how the Internet and WWW caused business disruption.

Learning Outcome 3. 2: Describe Web 1. 0 along with ebusiness and its associated advantages.

Learning Outcome 3. 3: Compare the four categories of ebusiness models.

Learning Outcome 3. 4: Describe the six ebusiness tools for connecting and communicating.

Learning Outcome 3. 5: Identify the four challenges associated with ebusiness.

Learning Outcome 3. 6: Explain Web 2. 0, and identify its four characteristics.

Learning Outcome 3. 7: Explain how Business 2. 0 is helping communities network and collaborate.

Learning Outcome 3. 8: Describe the three Business 2. 0 tools for collaborating.

Learning Outcome 3. 9: Explain the three challenges associated with Business 2. 0.

Learning Outcome 3. 10: Describe Web 3. 0 and the next generation of online business.

Review and Describe E-Commerce models:

Chapter 4: Ethics and Information Security

Learning Outcome 4. 1: Explain the ethical issues in the use of information technology.

Learning Outcome 4. 2: Identify the six epolicies organizations should implement to protect themselves.

Learning Outcome 4. 3: Describe the relationships and differences between hackers and viruses.

Learning Outcome 4. 4 : Describe the relationship between information security policies and an information security plan.

Learning Outcome 4. 5: Provide an example of each of the three primary information security areas: (1) authentication and authorization, (2) prevention and resistance, and (3) detection and response. Corporate policies, information security areas, information security plans,

Chapter 5: Infrastructures – Sustainable Technologies
Learning Outcome 5. 1: Explain MIS infrastructure and its three primary types.

Learning Outcome 5. 2: Identify the three primary areas associated with an information MIS infrastructure.

Learning Outcome 5. 3: Describe the characteristics of an agile MIS infrastructure.

Learning Outcome 5. 4: Identify the environmental impacts associated with MIS.

Learning Outcome 5. 5: Explain the three components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure along with their business benefits.

* Explain the manner in which an IT solution supports a business process improvement project for the areas identified above in Chapter 2.

Chapter 6: Data – Business Intelligence
Learning Outcome 6. 1: Explain the four primary traits that determine the value of information.

Learning Outcome 6.2 : Describe a database, a database management system, and the relational database model.

Learning Outcome 6. 3: Identify the business advantages of a relational database.

Learning Outcome 6. 4: Explain the business benefits of a data-driven website.

Learning Outcome 6. 5: Define a data warehouse, and provide a few reasons it can make a manager more effective.

Learning Outcome 6. 6: Explain ETL and the role of a data mart in business.

Learning Outcome 6. 7: Define data mining, and explain the three common forms for mining structured and unstructured data.

Learning Outcome 6. 8 : Identify the advantages of using business intelligence to support managerial decision making.

Chapter 7:
Learning Outcome 7. 1: Explain the five different networking elements creating a connected world.

Learning Outcome 7. 2: Identify the benefits of a connected world.

Learning Outcome 7. 3: Identify the challenges of a connected world.

Learning Outcome 7. 4: Explain the different wireless network categories.

Learning Outcome 7. 5: Explain the different wireless network business applications.

Learning Outcome 7. 6: Identify the benefits of business mobility.

Learning Outcome 7. 7: Identify the challenges of business mobility.

Chapter 8: Enterprise Applications – Business Communications
Learning Outcome 8. 1: Explain integrations and the role they play in connecting a corporation.

Learning Outcome 8. 2: Describe supply chain management and its role in supporting business operations.

Learning Outcome 8. 3: Identify the benefits and challenges of SCM along with its future.

Learning Outcome 8. 4: Describe customer relationship management and its role in supporting business operations.

Learning Outcome 8. 5: Identify the benefits and challenges of CRM along with its future.

Learning Outcome 8. 6: Describe enterprise resource management and its role in supporting business operations.

Learning Outcome 8. 7: Identify the benefits and challenges of ERP along with the future of the connected corporation.

Chapter 9: Systems Development and Project Management
Learning Outcome 9. 1 Explain the business benefits associated with successful software development.

Learning Outcome 9. 2 Describe the seven phases of the systems development life cycle.

Learning Outcome 9. 3 Summarize the different software development methodologies.

Learning Outcome 9. 4: Explain project management and the role the triple constraints play when managing a project.

Learning Outcome 9. 5: Describe the project stakeholder’s and executive sponsor’s roles in choosing strategic projects.

Learning Outcome 9. 6: Describe the two primary diagrams most frequently used in project planning.

Learning Outcome 9. 7: Identify the three primary areas a project manager must focus on managing to ensure success.

Learning Outcome 9. 8: Explain the three different types of outsourcing along with their benefits and challenges.

Systems Development Lifecycle and Project Management

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