Letter Of Appreciation For Help At Work Examples
When colleagues provide you with help at work, lend a hand when you’re in a jam, assist with a challenging project, or generally go above and beyond what’s required, it’s a kind gesture to send a letter of appreciation. You can also send a note or email message to a colleague who has covered for you while you were out sick or on leave.
Review advice on when to send a letter of appreciation, what to include in your letter or email, writing tips, and examples of notes to send to relay your thanks for help and support at work.
Why Send an Appreciation Note
Sending a letter of appreciation lets colleagues know that their hard work and help are noticed and valued. Everyone likes to know that they are appreciated. Plus, taking the time to show that you’ve noticed always makes a good impression. Expressing your appreciation also helps to build and maintain a work climate that is positive and congenial.
Who to Thank and When to Say Thank You
If you are leading a team, you might want to send out a team-wide email of thanks when you pass key milestones and, ultimately, complete a project. Team members who feel that their contributions have been publicly affirmed are much more likely to give their best effort than those who never hear a word of praise and think that they are being taken for granted.
If you are a new employee fortunate enough to have attracted a volunteer mentor, by all means, you should write a note to thank your mentor for taking time away from his or her own workload to help you with yours.
If you are emailing a co-worker, you can also copy the person’s manager. That way, you can let their boss know how much you appreciate the support.
It’s always nice to let people with power over promotions and raises know when their employees are performing well. Recognition of an employee’s assistance helps promote his or her value to management.
An email is the quickest way to say thank you, but a handwritten note or letter always makes a good impression. It shows that you have taken an extra step to show your appreciation for the assistance provided by a colleague at work.
Regardless of how you opt to say thank you, do take the time to let those who have assisted you at work know that they’re appreciated.
Melissa Ling / The Balance
Appreciation Letters and Email Message Examples for Work
Below you will find sample appreciation letters to send or email an individual or individuals who have helped you at work. Use these examples as inspiration and guidance when you are crafting your own thank-you note.
Sample Appreciation Letter for Help at Work
Dear Name,
Thank you for all your wonderful contributions during our recent departmental restructure. It was really helpful to have your input, since you went through a similar reorganization in your department last year.
We’re already seeing a vast improvement in efficiency thanks to the streamlined processes you suggested, and I’m confident things will run smoothly as the company continues to grow.
I really appreciate your guidance and the time you spent with me to help this transition go well.
Best regards,
Your Name
Sample Thank You to Teammates Letter
Dear Team,
Thank you all for your tremendous help launching the XYZ project. Without your diligence, hard work, and several late nights and early mornings, we would not have been able to meet our deadline. And we did so much more than that: thanks to everyone’s major efforts, we not only launched on time, but with a wonderful result.
Your hard work has been noticed, and I, along with the entire senior management team, would like to express my deep gratitude to each and every one of you.
Your Name
Sample Appreciation Letter to a Mentor
Dear Name,
I’d like to thank you, most sincerely, for all of the help you’ve given me since my hiring at XYZ Company. Onboarding is both an exciting and a nerve-wracking process, but from the very beginning, you have made me feel welcome in our department.
I especially appreciate all of the time you’ve taken away from your own work to “show me the ropes” and to ensure that I have the process knowledge and tools I need to do a great job each day.
I’m extremely fortunate to have you as a colleague, and I look forward to the day when I can follow the example you’ve set in helping our new hires feel grounded and supported.
Best regards,
Your Name
Tips for Writing Your Appreciation Letter
When you write a thank-you letter to a colleague, opt for a more formal than casual tone. That’s especially important if you are copying managers and colleagues on the letters. A breezy “Thanks for the help” email is nice, but spending the time to make sure the letter is well constructed may feel more meaningful.
Your Letter Should Be Genuine:Avoid excessive flattery, which can seem insincere. Be specific in your praise, and explain exactly why you are writing the letter. No need to overthink your message—the most important thing is to make sure you say “thank you” in the letter. Before you send your letter, proofread it to make sure you do not have any typos.
Be particularly careful to make sure you’ve spelled the recipient’s name correctly.
Don’t Delay Sending Your Thank-You Letter:While you do want the message to be thoughtful, it’s also important to not let too much time pass between the event or favor that warranted thanks, and you sending your letter.
Don’t Forget That Bosses Like to Know They Are Appreciated Too:Here’s asample thank-you letter for a manager, with tips on what to include. Here’s more information onhow to write a thank-you letter, including who to thank, what to write, and when to write an employment-related thank-you letter. Review more appreciation letter samples, and remember, it’s important to thank anyone who helps you throughout your career and job search.
Key Takeaways
* It’s always a nice idea to send a thank-you note. Take the time to thank helpful co-workers, mentors, managers, and other colleagues. Letter recipients will appreciate the acknowledgment.
* If you’re emailing a co-worker, consider copying the person’s manager. That way, you’ll be alerting the manager to the employee’s helpfulness.
* Be genuine, and not too effusive, in your message. Whether you’re sending a handwritten or emailed note, aim to be authentic and sincere.