Quality Of Service QoS And Wireless LAN Networking White Paper
Project background
Quality of service (QoS) is the key requirements across enhancing the overall performance of the network in many aspects and with this regard there are many measures towards the quality of service. It is always important to enhance the quality of service requirements across the applications to ensure the maximum traffic delivery across the network and also to improve the efficiency of the application in terms of quality without any external disturbances.
In general the QoS metrics are required to understand the overall efficiency of the network in any aspect and also these metrics will become the access points for the further usage of any application. With the revolution in the communication and technology in these days many applications are introduced and voice application are one among them. Voice applications are widely used across the world these days and the flexibility in using the voice communication has increased a lot and due to this different voice features are also added to the voice applications.
There are many commercial applications introduced in this context and most of the service providers are enhancing the quality of service requirements for these voice applications to gain more customers and ratings. In general the quality of service for the voice applications depends on many aspects and all these aspects should be fine tuned to ensure the maximum quality across the voice applications and there is lot of research done in this context and most of the researchers are providing ample sources to enhance the quality of the voice applications.
Wireless communication has increased rapidly these days and the level of application support and the level of operations are implemented at a high end. Across the many wireless communication techniques implemented, wireless LAN has a significant role to play and supports a wide range of applications towards a perfect implementation of the wireless communication patterns.
Wireless LAN supports may wireless communication applications like voice communication, data communication and video communication. Across many applications and techniques implemented across the voice applications has a significant role and required a top level quality to implement the voice applications as the data delivery should be accurate with respect to the voice applications.
In general quality of service should be given importance as the quality of the application delivered should be on the top and even the network resources are utilized with the multimedia and voice application. Few QoS metrics like throughput, end to end delay, jitter and packet delivery ratio and these metrics are used to measure the performance of the network with respect to the application delivery across the wireless LAN.
In general voice schemes are usually implemented across the wireless LAN and these voice schemes has lot of issues with respect to the quality of the application delivery process and these issues are measured against the quality of service requirements. A typical voice scheme should be implemented against few quality of service requirements like throughput, average delay, retransmission time, packet loss and network load and there are different techniques in place to measure these quality of service requirements and most of them fail to provide the accurate rate of metrics across the wireless LAN. Based on these aspect the actual problem identified is given in the below section.
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