Top 5 Hard Supports In Dota 2 Update 729

Supports are a really thankless role in Dota 2. They initiate plays, save carries, and provide vision all over the map. At the end of it all, the carries hog the limelight by killing hero after hero thanks to the support’s help.

The meta in Dota 2 changes very often, and in this current patch, the following supports are winning it for players.

Five best hard supports in Dota 2 after update 7.29

#1 – Ancient Apparition
Since the inception of the 7.29 patch of Dota 2, Ancient Apparition is the hero with the highest win rate in pub matches. It has been buffed a little, as the mana cost of Ice Vortex has been reduced from 40/55/70/85 to 40/50/60/70. His Aghanim’s Scepter also reduces the mana cost of Chilling Touch by 50%

What makes Apparition so broken isn’t any of his abilities. It is the current in-game meta concerning a carry, Huskar. This hero is heavily countered by AA, thus making him a very spontaneous counter-pick to Huskar.

#2 – Dawnbreaker
The new Dota 2 hero is usually played as an offlaner but is actually an excellent support.

She is a hero who is a non-stop kiting machine. Her first skill is a stun, second a slow, and her ulti is a stun as well. Basically, this hero heals, can chain stun, and is also highly tanky in the late game.

#3 – Abaddon
Abaddon is one of the most versatile heroes, often seen in the higher-ranked games as both a core and support.

In the recent patch update 7.29, the backswing animation of Abaddon was improved, allowing it to be cast quicker than before. Thus, it made Aphotic Shield an essential saving ability in the early game.

Abaddon’s buffs with the recent Dota 2 patch (Image via is also a very tanky support, which may help him sustain in the laning stage if the carry is someone squishy at that phase, like Io or Anti-Mage.

#4 – Dazzle
Dazzle is probably the best support in this patch, and given the flow of the game, he can transform into a sort of pseudo-carry.

It can help sustain in lane if paired with a carry like Sven, who has sustenance issues.

Poison Touch now does its first instance of damage immediately on impact. It is also one of the best saving supports, as its level 15 talent has been changed from +150 cast range to 250 heal when shallow grave ends. To add to it, Shadow Wave has scepter heal increased from +60 to +100.

Dazzle probably has one of the broken Aghanim’s Shard upgrades, which causes Poison Touch to hex affected targets for 1.25 seconds.

In addition to the slow of Poison Touch, Dazzle gets an AoE hex, making him a very good disabler and healer. This, in turn, makes him one of the best supports in Dota 2.

#5 – Grimstroke
Grimstroke has been a much-favored support in the higher-ranked pubs of Dota 2 for a long time now. In the recent patch 7.29, he has been buffed like never before.

The latch radius of Soulbind has been increased, the damage per second caused by Phantom’s Embrace has also gone up, and there is also a talent that increases its damage.

In the reworked Aghanim’s Shard upgrade, Ink Swell deals 50% more damage and heals the target for 50% of the damage it deals. Upon expiration, the target will receive a strong dispel.

It is a potent ability to cast on the ally carry in a teamfight, turning the tide in their favor.

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