Credit Artinya Adalah Apa Dalam Kamus Bisnis
Pengertian credit adalah:
SubjekDefinisiDalam istilah Ekonomi ?credit (kredit) : dalam teori moneter, penggunaan dana orang lain sebagai imbalan dari janji akan membayar dikemudian : (Kredit) Penyediaan uang atau tagihan-tagihan yang dapat disamakan dengan itu berdasarkan persetujuan pinjam-miminjam antara bank dengan pihak lain dalam hal mana pihak peminjam berkewajiban melunasi hutangnya setelah jangka waktu tertentu dengan jumlah bunga yang telah ditentukan. (UU No.14/1967 psl Ic).Akuntansi ?credit : kreditAccounting ?credit : Entry on the right side of a DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOKKEEPING system that represents the reduction of an ASSETor expense or the addition to a LIABILITY or RVENUE.
credit (bookkeeping system) : Entries in the credit column of a ledger account represent increases in liabilities, increases in ownership interest, revenue, or decreases in assets.
credit (terms of business) : The supplier agrees to allow the customer to make payment some time after the delivery of the goods or services. Typical trade credit periods range from 30 to 60 days but each agreement is different.
credit : A term which has a number of important meanings depending upon the context. Credit is a term that is often used in conjunction with the providing and incurring of debt financing. A person or organization is said to “have credit” if they can qualify for a loan or purchase on account, also referred to as a “credit purchase.” An “extension of credit” implies the making of a loan or a credit sale. The term “credit” is also used in the context of credit entries which refer to journal entries made to the right side of an account. In the case of merchandise returns, the providing of “credit on account” means that the account receivable from a credit customer returning the merchandise is reduced by the sales price of the returned goods through a credit entry. See also Credit card sales, Creditor and Credit policies
credit : an entry (amount) entered on the right side (column) of a journal or general ledger account that increases a liability, owner’s equity (capital) or revenue, or an entry that decreases an asset, draw, or an expense.
credit : Bookkeeping credit represents decreasing an asset or expense account or increasing capital or liability. Business credit is when a supplier agrees to allow the buyer to pay after (typically 30 to 60 days) receiving the goods.
credit : an accounting entry on the right or bottom of a balance sheet. Usually an increase in liabilities or capital, or a reduction in assets. The opposite of credit is debit. Each credit in a balance sheet has a balancing debit. Credit has other usages, as in “You have to pay cash, your credit is no good.” Or “we will credit your account with the refund.”
credit : This is what a supplier agrees to allow a customer to make payment some time after delivery.
Akuntansi ?credit : Kredit – entri rekening dengan nilai negatif untuk aset , dan nilai positif bagi kewajiban dan ekuitas .
credit : Kredit adalah membahas penataan antara pembeli dan Penjual untuk pembayaran atas barang dan jasa. Sebuah catatan kredit adalah membahas entri yang akhirnya akan mengurangi aset atau meningkatkan kewajiban.
Bank ?credit : 1. An increase in a savings or checking account, such as a deposit made to the account. 2. A person or company’s ability to borrow money, with the expectation the money will be paid back in the future.
credit : Money loaned to an individual or organization. Credit can come in many forms including loans, mortgages, and credit cards.
credit : money that a lender gives a borrower based upon a promise to pay it back in the future. A person taking either secured or unsecured credit usually has to pay interest on the borrowed money plus fees and charges in addition to the principal payment.
credit : Provision of funds or equivalent claims based on a loan agreement between a bank and another party requiring the borrowing party to repay the debt at a specified term with interest, including: 1. purchase of customer securities against a Note Purchase Agreement (NPA), and 2. takeover of claims for factoring purposes
credit : The increase in a deposit account balance that occurs when a deposit is made to the account. See also debit.
Accounting ?credit : Credit is an arrangement between a buyer and a seller for deferred payment on goods and services. A credit entry is an entry which eventually will reduce assets or increase liabilities.Definisi ?
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Kita sajikan artinya menggunakan tabel berdasarkan bidang maupun kamusnya, dengan maksud untuk mempermudah penjelasan kata credit.
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