How To Be Good At Supports
Introduction Hello, my nickname is morningduck and i am 5.3k mmr support player and the reason that i play supports is my mindset. I think that if i’m better than my cores i should support them, so it will be easier for them to play. Kinda cocky, but so far it works. What it takes to be a good support? How to move around the map to be impactful? How to help your cores win the game? How to be useful in mid and late game, if you have no little or no items? Hopefully, this guide will help you answer these and many more questions. This guide contains 4 parts: 1. How to be a support. 2. How to be good at positon 5. 3. How to be good at position 4. 4. Warding. Let’s begin! Part 1. How to be a support. Most of the people tend to think, that cores win games, but i’m here to tell, that supports do as much or even more work than carry or mid. Playing support you should be aware of everything that happens on map yet don’t miss a thing under your nose. As a support you’ll often pick your hero first. It means that enemy team will try to counter pick your hero. The thing is, there’s supports that are solid versus almost every hero in the game such as