Support Google Maps Platform Routes Preferred API
Are you feeling a little stuck using the Routes Preferred API? If so, then you have the following options for getting help with your application.
* Contact Google Support. Only those cases filed through Google Support are subject to an SLA (Service Level Agreement).
* Refer to the examples and the How-to guides in this documentation set.
Support for pre-release versions
Google may release Early Access, Alpha, or Beta versions of the Routes Preferred API. Refer to theCloud Launch Stagesfor definitions. Although Google has no obligation to provide support for Early Access, Alpha or Beta versions, features, or functionality of the Services, we’ll consider requests at these development stages on a case-by-case basis.
* Pre-release versions are not covered by theGoogle Maps Platform SLA.
* Use of fallback mechanisms is recommended, especially if you are using a pre-release version in a production environment.
From the Google Maps Platform Support page, you can create new support casesand view, resolve, or escalate existing cases.
To manage cases in the Maps Console, you will need to have one of the following roles:
* Project Owner
* Project Editor
* Tech Support Editor
* Tech Support Viewer
The Tech Support Viewer role is only able to view case information and cannot interact with or update the case in any way.
To learn more about these roles, including how to apply them, see Grant support access. View a comparison of the roles mentioned in the Maps documentation.
Create a support case
Project Owners, Project Editors, and Tech Support Editors can create support cases. If you don’t have one of these roles, contact your Project Owner or Organization Admin to get access.
1. Visit the Google Maps Platform Support Create a Casepage in the Cloud Console.
2. Select the project related to your question in the top dropdown bar of the Cloud Console.
3. Fill out the form in detail.
4. Once your case is created, you can correspond with Support via Email.
Manage your cases
View, resolve, or escalate your support cases from the Cloud Console. Please communicate with support on your cases by responding to case emails. In the future, you can look forward to replying to cases in the Cloud Console.
View cases
Your cases are visible on the Cases page, while your most recent cases are also visible on the Google Maps Platform Support Overviewpage, which you can use to go to the Cases page. Select any case to see its details and interact with Maps Support.
Cases are scoped to the selected project, so you will only see cases that were created within that project. If you have multiple projects and cannot find an expected support case, check to see if you are viewing the project from where you originally created the support case.
Escalate a case
If you think that your case is not being handled optimally, you can escalate the case. An escalation manager will review your case to ensure that it is handled properly. Escalation managers can provide additional expertise or better prioritize a case based on business requirements, but they cannot grant exceptions to policies or terms of service.
One hour after a case is first submitted, you may escalate it. Use the Escalate button found in the footer of your support emails, in the case creation confirmation email, or in any response to the case. You can also click the ‘Escalate’ button at the top of the Case Details page for your case.
Resolve a case
If your case no longer requires support, you can either inform Support via email or you can click the ‘Resolve’ button at the top of the Case Details page for your case.
Grant support access
A Project Owner or an Organization Admin can grant all available rolesfrom the IAM page.
1. Open the IAM pagein the Cloud Console.
2. Select Select a project > choose a project from the dropdown > Open.
3. Select Add, then enter the new member’s email address. * You can add individuals, service accounts, or Google Groups as members, but every project must have at least one individual as a member.
4. Select the member’s role. For best security practices, we strongly recommend giving the member the lowest permissions needed. Members with Project Owner permissions are able to manage all aspects of the project, including shutting it down. * To grant Project Owner or Project Editor permissions, choose the appropriate role under Project. * To limit a member’s permissions to filing technical support cases, choose the Tech Support Editor role under Support.
5. Save your changes.
The Billing Admin role does not grant permissions to create support cases on its billing account, because access to Support (Tech or Billing) is based on project permissions, and is granted to Project Owners, Project Editors, or Tech Support Editors on a project tied to the billing account. If you do not have access to any project tied to the billing account:
1. Create a new project. You are automatically assigned the Project Owner role for this project.
2. Enable billing on your new project, using the billing account used for your group’s other projects.
3. Enable a Maps API from this new project.
Learn how to create a project, enable billing for it, and enable an API.
Since you are the Project Owner for this new project, you have access to Maps API support case creation from that new project and can make inquiries about the billing account attached to it.
Support hours of availability
You can contact support by filing a case in the Cloud Console or by calling phone support.
* The Support team operates on weekdays and is available from Monday 9 AM Tokyo time to Friday 5 PM Pacific time (24×5), excluding regional holidays.
* In addition to 24×5 support access, technical support for critical issuesis available on weekends and regional holidays(24×7), via the Google Cloud Console, with a 1 hour response time.
Phone support
Phone support is available 24×5, from Monday 9 AM Tokyo time to Friday 5 PM Pacific time, excluding regional holidays.
You can use phone support for the following issues:
* Your end users have been unable to access your Routes Preferred API production applications for longer than 15 minutes.
* You want to report a Google Maps Platform service outage. Make sure you select the geospatial option when you call.
Before you call, make sure you have your support PIN, which is available on the Google Maps Platform Support Create a Case page. Then call us at:
Privacy inquiries
For questions related to data privacy and protection, you can contact us using the Data Privacy Inquiry Form.
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